Our story for God's glory!


Thanks for checking out this blogMy name is Vijay and I live with my wife & two children in the state of Pennsylvania in the United StatesI have published this blog to share what the Lord has done for me and my family - which I consider as "Our story for God's glory!". A part of the blog includes many miracles that God has done for me and my family. As you keep scrolling down, you will see our website address below - that has our photos and the medical reports (the reports are separated by each miracle/disease under each tab on our website). I thank you for taking the time to read through this blog. YOU WILL NOT REGRET A SINGLE MINUTE YOU SPEND READING THIS BLOG, AND THE NEXT 30 MINUTES COULD LEAD YOU TO SOMEONE WHO CAN TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. I don't know which country you are from or what language you speak and I don't know if you believe in God or not, but I ask that you read this blog with an open heart & open mind, and see if there is God's story somewhere here, as you discover my family's health journey of many "medically documented" miracles.

Before I share with you the miracles that God has done for our family, I deem it necessary to provide you with some background about myself and the members of my family. I'm providing this so that you can observe the journey that my family and I have gone through during the last ten plus years. So, I invite you now to take a quick ride with me for just about 10 minutes to get through the first part of the blog, and I will give you a quick glimpse of how our life was over the last decade (before the recent miracles). As you read through the first part of the blog which includes many shocking events of our lives, you may not see God's actions on display until you are halfway through. But towards the end of the blog, you will see that God is always "on the move" regardless of whether we can see it or not.  

A "Serious" car accident that our family endured: I came to the United States about 15 years ago as an immigrant and after relocating to the U.S. the first tragic car accident that my wife and I experienced was on the 21st December of 2009. Our car had a major rear-end collision by a long 18-wheeler truck driving at about 80 miles/hour (i.e. 130 km/hr) on the interstate 295 expressway i.e. 3+3 lane highway... This accident is a major milestone in our life: It started with a loud banging that we heard when that huge truck hit our car's rear bumper, the car almost spun, hit the divider, causing a major crash - the windows and glasses shattered, the front hood & the rear trunk and most of the cabin were damaged and most of the car was severely affected except for the front two seats.....[The full story is for another day - check out a separate blog on our website -- with the police accident report and our pictures from the accident back in 2009], so for now, in the interest of time, I'll make the long story short...

What happened to the baby during the accident??  So... My wife was pregnant at that time; she was carrying our first child... The police, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles rushed to the accident spot because of the major crash BUT we both were completely safe without shedding even one drop of blood! And later, in September of the following year, my wife & I were blessed with a cute little package - yes, our first child was born with perfect health! Our daughter Jessica didn't have any problem at birth as a result of the accident. So you can imagine how much gratitude we both had developed towards God who gave us our daughter but also provided our safety and our lives were saved! We know in our hearts there is no way we could have been shielded in that major accident without some supernatural power from above. So, that was one of the reasons, I developed gratitude & faith in God, and around that time my wife & I had started attending a local church on Sunday mornings here in the Philadelphia area and we started reading the scripture to learn God's word. We were not really very sincere back then, but gradually our faith in God grew stronger & stronger over time as we started reading the scripture regularly. So, that is a quick background about how we came into a sincere faith in God, and below is a snapshot of our health journey from the last decade.

My first tragic health news in life: So, our first child was born and the three of us were living a normal life with no major health problems for a little while. But soon after, I heard the first major health news in my life, I visited a Vascular Surgeon because of some heaviness in my left leg and he ordered an ultrasound scan [BTW if you are interested to read through the medical reports and miracles, check out all our medical reports on our website - at the link down below]. Later the physician got the ultrasound results and he said 'you have a blood clot in your deep vein [that carries the 80% of the blood from the leg to the heart] and it's a chronic clot i.e. it can't be dissolved and it will be there for the rest of your life. And, it's a progressive problem i.e. the venous valvular [valve] damage will never get better, and instead, it will only get worse gradually through the rest of your life.

A major blood clot..on the way to the heart?...life threatening??  As a therapeutic remedy, I was prescribed [to wear] a compression stocking in my leg in the beginning. This was at the outset of the diagnosis but later I began using medical equipment i.e. Gradient Sequential Compression Device, used every few hours throughout the day. It's expensive equipment [costs a few thousand dollars] and it's NOT light-weight. Here is the link to my photo if you are interested to look at my medical equipment: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/deep-vein-thrombosisThis problem severely affected my functional capacity including my work, flight travel, physical activities, and many other aspects of day-to-day living. The next shocking news was...

Our lives had numerous tragedies: We heard some unexpected news concerning our eldest child; news that a parent shouldn't hear regarding a young child. Our eldest daughter who had excellent health until 4 years suddenly started developing GI [gastrointestinal] issues. She went through an extensive GI workup including endoscopy, colonoscopy -- finally, at the conclusion of the tests, the Gastroenterologist [GI Doctor] received the biopsy results and said 'your daughter has Ileitis, a form of Crohn's disease'. You may imagine how hard it is for a young child [to go through an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, fluoroscopy, radiology imaging/scan, numerous urine tests and stool tests, breath test, sweat test, and a lot of blood tests over the years]. Her scope reports can be viewed at: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/gi-disorders

'Liver Cancer' was ruled out but I was down to skin & bones:  The next news was about my Liver. I started losing weight and as part of the evaluation, the CT scan of the abdomen was done and the physician said 'the CT shows a sub-centimeter lesion in your liver' the next step is AFP [Tumor Marker] test, he said we should rule out the liver cancer. As you can see in my reports, liver cancer was ruled out. But I had major problems with my liver, some of the problems were: lipid assimilation, bilirubin metabolism disorder [leading to decreased glucuronidation of bilirubin] - it's a chronic condition that is irreversible. I had a major weight loss - my original body weight was about 170 LBs and went down to 90+ LBs i.e. my body weight went down to about 40 kgs...totally off the chart for someone about 6 feet tall: I was down to skin & bones. Is it hard to believe that I had such a major weight loss? Check out my weight loss pictures at this link: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/weight-lossThis weight loss went on for years, my bone density went down during this time and a DEXA scan was done that showed low bone density. It was not an easy journey with the weight loss/bone loss/muscle loss but God gave me the strength to get through those tough days. Some days were worse than the others, and I remember days when I struggled even to walk. During those days, I walked like a toddler, I didn't have enough strength even for a very slow walk. I had to slowly take one step after another step like a toddler, but in this time of despair, I drew nearer to God. He was really molding my mind and spirit as I called on him for help & strength. 

A life-threatening problem for my wife: Our family continued to have problems. The life-threatening problem that my wife endured was Pneumonia. My wife has had excellent health all her life but at this point -- for the first time in her life, she was on bed rest when she battled this problem. As I recall her situation even now years after the ordeal, I still can remember the words of the emergency physician concerning her critical condition. My two children also had a severe acute illness around the same time. My wife recovered from Pneumonia but later she developed Mast Cell Disorder [MCD] symptoms – it's a major/complex disease. Our children also started having the "MCD" symptoms around the same time.

A 'perfect storm' had begun for my wife & children...all at the same time: MCD is labeled as an "incurable disease" by the medical community because there is no treatment for it other than the medications taken for symptom management. It's a multi-system disorder that affects many systems in the body, it's not a very common disease but thousands of people from all around the world suffer severely from it. They suffer throughout their lives because of the complexity of this disease and the fact that it's not curable medically. We know of even renowned physicians who suffer from MCD life-long. Since this disease affects many systems in the body, my wife & children had many restrictions - one of the restrictions was the allergy to many vegetables/fruits/grains/meats/fermented foods/egg/nuts/fish/milk products, etc., [You can access our Food Allergy Test Reports here: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/food-allergyOur children were in tears numerous times for not being able to eat so many foods because they were troubled especially when they watched their peers eat. Another major restriction for them was going outdoors due to environmental allergy that they incurred from the illness...Both of them longed to go outdoors when at home/and at school. They were in tears many times because of this limitation placed on their lives..for not being able to go out with the rest of the class every day for recess, etc. There was also a restriction on many aspects of their lives which included physical activity, sleep, and some more restrictions.

An additional problem that plagued my wife was 'Chronic Fatigue': Her DHEA (hormone) levels were low and that is one of the hormones that contribute to Chronic Fatigue. She is someone who generally doesn't like to take a nap or rest during the day but she had to...because of Chronic Fatigue. People who have chronic fatigue know the hard-hit on their energy levels. It really affects the quality of life and impacts functional capacity. I have noticed it first hand and I myself have experienced it as well. 

Open-heart surgery for our 5-year old child: We received news concerning our youngest daughter that she had a heart murmur. The Echocardiogram was done and the cardiologist told us: "Your daughter has Mitral [Heart] Valve Regurgitation and she needs an open-heart surgery, the sooner the better". The sooner the better because this heart condition is always progressive (i.e. this heart condition will not improve and the tear in the valve would get worse because it's like a 'tear' in your clothing which will never go away and it only gets worse unless you stitch it. This is why the Surgeons prefer to stitch the tear in the valve leaflet as soon as possible / before the leaflet continues to tear more & more). We were told that there is a higher chance they could repair her valve and a slim chance to replace the valve in case the repair is impossible. And, we were told that if the valve is replaced, then ~ 5-year life for biologic valve and ~15-year life for mechanical valve but with more complications. Based on the statistics of the children who went through this surgery, a certain percentage of the children have a recurrence after the surgery and for some, the severe regurgitation takes their life. Furthermore, our daughter's left atrium (left upper chamber of the heart) was enlarged because of the backflow of the blood from three different spots (cleft, coaptation point, prolapse) in her mitral valve. 

Our journey became more rougher & rougher: Few more medical conditions for my daughters: Before this major heart defect diagnosis, our younger daughter had developed asthma and she had many acute episodes over the years [due to Asthma] needing to be at the Hospital Emergency Room. Also, another problem that both children suffered from is a GI disorder: 'Steatorrhea' caused fat malabsorption for them after the MCD symptoms and it was one of the reasons for their FTT [Failure to thrive] - affected their growth. They also suffered from some medical conditions that cause symptoms that are uncomfortable for children to talk about, i.e. Oxalosis, which is generally treated by Nephrologists who treat kidney problems. The Oxalosis Test Reports for me & my children are in this link: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/oxalosis
Our children developed a condition that no child should suffer from: Sleep Apnea is another medical condition that my wife and children developed several years ago (after the MCD). After our children developed this problem, this is when they both were in the hospital for a full night at the same time, and the first time I was in the hospital for a full night caring for both children at the same time back & forth between two different rooms. That overnight study is uncomfortable, especially for young children, here is the link to the pictures of the overnight study that my daughters had: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/sleep-apnea and the sleep apnea medical reports are available right below the pictures (at the same link). There is no medication that can cure sleep apnea. My wife and children slept with a sound/sleep machine for years, but still, I've heard them choke in the night many times. OSA sometimes affects oxygen levels. This is another chronic condition that my wife and children have had for years. 

How did I lose my voice and become like a mute?? There are many medical issues that have plagued our family but I will close the "disease list" with this last one for now. One other problem that I suffered from is: frequent “severe laryngitis” / periods of “voice loss”. The first time I lost my voice was about 10 years ago, and later I was diagnosed with Hemoptysis and that is the medical term for coughing up blood (If you want to learn more, the Hemoptysis Report is here: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/other-chronic-diseases). The first time I saw my blood in the sink was when I was discharging blood through my mouth..when I had this internal bleeding. Prior to this, I lost my voice for the first time due to severe laryngitis [interested to learn about laryngitis? - The medical report is in the same link above]. When I had the voice loss, (since I could not talk) I carried a pen/paper everywhere....to communicate with people at the pharmacy, doctor's office, grocery store, and other places. I had to take off from work for more than a month due to my voice loss. Fortunately, I got my voice back and I could speak again, but there were recurring episodes of severe laryngitis and many short periods of voice loss over the ensuing years, and my voice pitch changed from a lower/normal pitch to gradually a higher pitch. So, the voice gradually changed compared to how it was 10 years ago and the change in my voice pitch is also part of the medical reports. The first time I lost my voice, I wasn't even sure if my voice would come back and if I would be able to talk again, but God was building my courage, perseverance, and faith through these rough times.
A 10-year long story in 10 mins?? It's impossible to explain what I & my family went through over the last decade now - here in a few pages or a few hours. But I had to give you a glimpse of what we went through...so that now when I start going over our healing/miracles, you will see the love and the power of God. I'll try my best to explain our miracles but as you know miracles are a supernatural experience/beyond comprehension, they can be explained only to some extent. But the miraculous healings do override the scientific/medical literature, i.e. even though a disease is labeled as incurable or irreversible or chronic/life-term, when a miracle happens, the sick people get healed rapidly WITH NO MEDICAL INTERVENTION.
Before I start disclosing the details of all the miracles, I want you to know how to navigate through the website: The first version of our website currently has just the photos and medical reports for the different diseases and coordinating miracles. Yet in the subsequent releases, the formal typed detailed drafts for each miracle will also be included. As you navigate through the medical reports, remember to use the down arrow, located just below the page numbers on the scanned reports. As you click on the down arrow, you will be enabled to navigate through all the pages. Our names, date of birth, and other pertinent information will be on all the reports but for legal and discretionary reasons, the doctors' names and the hospital names are blacked out.
God-given powerful transformation for our family!! So, now, let's dive in...to see the powerful transformation that my family has been through in recent months. In this blog, I will provide an overview of each miracle and then the details of each miracle in the subsequent blog posts. Each miracle for us happened in almost a unique way, e.g. some miracles happened when our children were sleeping and some miracles were shown to us in the night but happened during the day, but every single miracle happened during our daily family prayer. God gave us a prophetic word at the beginning of 2021, and that led us to believe that everything our family has lost over the last decade will be "restored double (Scripture Reference: Zechariah: Chapter 9: Verse 12)". As you continue reading this blog and the future blog posts, you will see that God has restored everything double indeed for my family. Our restoration has covered almost every area of our lives including: physical/emotional/spiritual/financial/formal & information social relationships/including my career. I'll take you through the physical restoration first, and again, this blog-post has a quick overview and you will journey with us through the details of each miracle in the subsequent blog posts.

Miracle #1 - the healing in my legMy blood clot in the [Iliac] Vein and my femoral valvular reflux [in my deep vein in the left leg] caused by the blood clot is completely gone, and the problem that I have had for more than a decade has healed in a "split-second" by an instant healing touch of our God! The medical equipment that I was using all these years is packed-up and it's gone! God has given me a powerful transformation! The restrictions that hampered my functional capacity are gone! Now I can travel anywhere, sit/walk/stand for long periods and even jog & RUN!!!

Yes, the Lord is bringing me back as an athlete to participate in athletics. This is again, beyond imagination....Twenty-five years ago as a teenager/athlete in school, I ran the 100 meters sprint race competitively but I never thought I would be back into field/track, especially at this age. Some months ago, when I was reading the scripture one day..just during my daily devotional time, God prompted me to do something in the future [Isaiah Chapter 40: Verse 31, Hab 3:19, Psa 18:33]....Yes, God prompted me to get back into field/track running in the future for His glory, and He showed this almost as a guidance/prophecy before the miracles happened, but back then I had no idea how I would run/sprint again at this age...But I just believed and obeyed God's calling, and when I started running recently, I truly feel the Lord's pleasure (every time I run)…And, believe it or not, I feel the Lord's power in my leg every day when I run...it's been only a few days of practice but the time it takes for me to run 100 meters now is less than 15 seconds and it's definitely faster than the speed I had 25 years ago as a teenager. The Lord has restored my strength double. The healing that I was hoping for – was to get the strength of a 40-year-old BUT God has given me now more strength than what I had 25 years ago as a teenager when I was running - 100 meters sprint.

When my health was at the lowest point some months ago, I struggled to walk even like a toddler due to the weight loss/bone loss/muscle loss/fatigue, BUT now God has poured out his love/mercies on me and it's clearly evident through this powerful transformation and I hope to share with you more about my return to athletics, in the coming blogs, and will also share about this miracle itself (how the Lord healed this problem and what He showed us when this miracle took place). But for now, if you are interested in seeing my annual ultrasound scan reports from the last 10+ years and the most recent report showing the healing in my leg, it's available at this link (right below the photo): https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/deep-vein-thrombosisDuring this 10+ year period, I have always had symptoms in my leg and the ultrasound scan also showed the problems every single year until one amazing day when God healed it instantly. The next time an ultrasound scan was done, the scan report did confirm the miracle in my leg.

Miracle #2 - The healing that my daughter received in her Heart: I want to share with you the healing my precious young daughter received. My daughter's heart has also miraculously healed without the open-heart surgery or any medical intervention. We have a copy of her previous years’ Echocardiogram reports which recorded the problems in her heart (prior to the miracle God did for her) and the Surgeon's report in the following link. When you click on the 'Heart Valve' tab, you will also see that the first page has my daughter's God-given dream [in the middle of the night] when she was in a deep sleep. She told us this dream and wrote down the dream "word for word" and the recent Echocardiogram report shows that her God-given dream came to pass "word for word". https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/mitral-heart-valve If interested, you can scroll down at this webpage and click on 'Next' to navigate through her medical reports - The result that the surgeons would expect after the open-heart surgery is what you see in her heart without the surgery. So, again, this is another powerful healing without any medical intervention. You will see more about this miracle also in one of the future blog posts.

Miracle #3 - The healing that God provided in my Liver: The major problems in my Liver that couldn't be cured medically for years...has healed now...in a fraction of a second. The Liver reports in the following link show the Liver markers tested 30+ times over the last 10 years, and the latest report from this year (after the miracle): https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/liver-diseaseThe problem in my Liver prevented me from gaining weight for so many years despite the fact I tried so many different treatments. But as soon as God healed my Liver, my body-weight started increasing the very same week. I am pleased to inform you that my body-weight has increased by 20+ LBs already.  On the following webpage, you can view my photo and you will see that finally/miraculously, my weight is going up after many years:  https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/weight-gain 

My daughters' healing that we consider miracle #4 and #5: My older daughter's gastrointestinal problems, which plagued her for 7 years, got miraculously healed in the ‘blink of an eye’ one night. This miracle happened when our daughter was sleeping. My wife & I with our children routinely pray together. Generally, in regard to our family prayer, some days our young children finish the prayer before my wife & I do. So, when our kids finish the prayer early, they go to bed early and that night [when the miracle happened] after the kids went to bed, we both continued praying and God showed my wife in the vision the problem in my daughter's gastrointestinal tract and the miracle that was taking place for my daughter at that instant. We were pleased to find the very next morning, when my daughter awoke, the symptoms that had plagued her for seven years had disappeared with no medical intervention. Also, our Miracle # 5 concerns the dilemma this daughter, as well as my other daughter, had known as 'Steatorrhea' (fat malabsorption) they had for several years - this problem resolved miraculously as well and the 'fecal fat' reports (before and after miracle) are posted here: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/steatorrhea

This next miracle of God touched all the women of the house; we consider this our family miracle #6: MCD [Mast Cell Disorder] is a multi-system disorder that triggers various symptoms in the body - triggered by different factors like food, environmental factors, physical activity, etc. This problem started at the same time for my wife & two children, and this year the Lord has put an end to this disease at the same time for all three of them...through His divine healing touch (in “no time” and “no medical intervention”). So, all the restrictions that my wife & children had -- are completely gone now and no symptoms now whatsoever. After the Lord healed them, we went to the grocery stores and bought every single food they had formerly been allergic to (vegetables/fruits/grains/meat/ fermented foods/egg/nuts/fish/milk products, etc.,) my wife & children tried eating all these foods and -- it's unbelievable, but they don't have any reactions at all…to all those previously allergic foods. So they can eat any food on this planet now. Also, now, they tried spending time outdoors as well, and again no environmental allergy at all outdoors. In addition, the children tried doing intense physical activities as well, and again no intolerance to physical activity at all now. All the other restrictions from the MCD are also gone and this is another classic example of a 'perfect divine healing' from a major incurable disease through the healing hands of our Lord & Savior! The MCD medical reports for all three of them, both before and after miracle, can be found on this webpage: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/mast-cell-disorder

Miracle #7: Chronic Fatigue - My wife's Chronic fatigue is totally gone and this miracle happened at a lightning speed too & without any medical intervention as many of the other works of God in our life. She doesn't need naps anymore and after the Lord healed her, the energy levels did skyrocket -- she has more strength and energy than ever. Her strength has been restored double. Her DHEA test reports from the previous years and the recent report from this month can be viewed here: https://rhema-revival-ministry.com/fatigue

The other diseases that were mentioned above viz. Asthma for my younger daughter, Oxalosis for both children, Sleep Apnea for my wife & children, and my frequent Laryngitis - all have miraculously healed. In addition to all these physical healings/miracles, there is just a few more that I need to share: 

A child in the womb despite the zero chance for pregnancy: God added a child to our family at a time when there was no chance for us to have a child. We had some challenges before my wife’s 1st pregnancy, back then, the urologic surgeon had said I might need a ‘skin surgery’ called ‘Dorsal Slit’ in order for us to build our family, but finally, God resolved that issue for me without surgery and my wife became pregnant. And, later, despite the major car accident during that pregnancy, the Lord protected my wife and the baby that was in the womb. The tragedy of a car accident had no ramifications upon my wife and the baby she was carrying. Then a few years later God blessed us with another child even with my complex medical conditions and the hand of the Lord had been upon us through that second conception, pregnancy, and delivery. Later (a few years after having our second child), my wife also developed major medical problems, but when we both were not in good health and had zero chance for having another child, the Lord gave us a prophetic word through the scripture [Genesis 18:14, 2 Kin 4:16 - that we would have a third child after a year despite the impossibility for pregnancy] and the Lord has now put the 3rd child in her womb as he promised. So, there is God’s story somewhere in all three pregnancies, and if my wife & I have children today that is only because of His grace - that is clearly evident through our story.

The transition from 'Disability' to a 'Physician Career': When my health was at its lowest point, the Lord prompted me to apply to Medical School to become a Physician. I had no idea how I would get accepted and get through a rigorous MD program, especially at this age -- at my current entry into being a man of middle age. Although the passion and the thirst/hunger could drive someone to learn, the memorization through the 4 years of the coursework is still very difficult at this age – memorizing & passing medical college exams for a 20-year-old is way different compared to a 40-year-old. But the Lord has been carrying me through graciously so far...The Lord prompted me to transition to a physician career, when my family and I were patients of numerous physicians [because of the various medical problems we had over the years]. Living with so many diseases, I had a severely broken body and I was not physically fit during that time. So, when the Lord called me to this career [for a specific "PURPOSE"], this was humanly impossible as my life was in such "PAIN". But nothing is impossible for the Lord and He led me into this unbelievable transformation...to go on a mission from "PAIN TO PURPOSE", knowing the Lord wants 'our scar to be a remedy for others'!

In addition to this new career, the Lord has also blessed our family with a new ministry as well and I will share more about this in one of the future blogs.

But, for now, I just want to briefly share how the Lord has been merciful to us in almost every area of life. I hope what you have read so far is encouraging. God has been so wonderful to us, we feel compelled to write His story of our lives. This we have written to encourage you through our testimony in the event you are going through problems similar to those that our family has endured. 

Another powerful humbling transformation - From 'Very poor Language Proficiency' to becoming a 'Blog/Book Author'  Ever since the hand of God has been in my life, I have been able to become more proficient in English. I have transitioned from being a very poor English language speaker/writer into one who can express himself in greatly improved ways. So these days, whenever I work or write, and when I need wisdom, I ask God to provide me wisdom and he does! But life was very different for me about two decades ago and only my friends from 20 years ago know how dumb I was and how elementary my English language skills were back then. I had poor language/English proficiency, my first employer [Wipro] threw me out of my job about 18 years ago due to a lack of oral & written communication skills.

So, with English being my second language, that is how my language proficiency was, because of the schooling & college life in a rural/suburban area - where English fluency is relatively less compared to the city life. So with such a background, going straight out of college into a corporate career was hard for me from a communication standpoint. Not only that I had poor communication skills, but I also lacked wisdom very much and I wasn't really fit for any job and that is why my employer threw me out. English is still a second language for me and I'm still not as proficient as I would like to be, but the Lord has brought me this far and I know he is going to enable me to improve! I'm sharing all this information so you can see where the Lord has lifted me from (in regards to language skills, and where He has brought me now, to becoming an author! The scripture says (2 Cor 12:9) that God's power is seen in our weakness - I know this to be true as I experience first-hand God's power in my weakness. As I begin to close this blog, I want you to know that if you feel incapacitated to do what you are called to do, just hold onto Jesus - He will work through you & enable you to fulfill your calling.

I share with you some generalizations which I and other fellow believers have noticed concerning this world. What I'm going to share now is helpful to every human at one point or another in our lives, as we all have times of weakness. Generally, when recruiters hire people, they prefer talented people and the world prefers talented people, healthy people, rich people & strong people, BUT our Lord Jesus Christ is always waiting with an open heart and open arms to welcome the sick people, poor people, and the unintelligent. He is always ready to roll up his sleeves to lift any of us up from a rock bottom place! His power is shown in our weakness, and my family is living proof! The Lord is alive and my family is a living witness for that and there are millions of people across the globe who will testify of his goodness!

In closing, I invite you to contemplate what God has done for me and my family. You can see the overflowing grace, mercy, love, and power of God:
• The Lord has blessed us with a new ministry at the time we least expected - it's only by His grace we do what we do.
• The Lord has miraculously healed our family from many incurable diseases; He has given us new lives and a 2nd chance!
• We initially had challenges to have even one child, but He has been merciful to put three children in the womb!
• Only the Lord can lift up someone from the status of being 'disabled' and transition them into being an 'Athlete'!
• Only the Lord, our creator & healer, can lift up someone with many diseases & transition them into becoming a Physician!
• Who can lift up a dumb fellow who doesn't seem to be fit for anything with poor communication skills and mold such a person to become an author? Only the Lord can do that!

Do I deserve all these blessings in life?? Through this 10+ years of journey that our family has had with Jesus Christ, He has given our family a tiny glimpse of His incredible miracle working power, steadfast unconditional love and faithfulness. This blog should be sufficient for anyone to see the mercy, love, and power of God in someone's life. But the question that I would like to ask: "Do you think I deserve these blessings that God has poured out on me and my family?". My answer to this question is certainly "No", I definitely don't deserve all these blessings in life. I answer in this manner because I was not a righteous person, believe it or not, my life was immersed into sin, beyond what you can think or imagine. The Lord knows what a wretched man I am, and my friends from a long time ago know - who I was and how I was. 

So, if I were to suffer the consequences of my sins, I have no idea where I would be now. But despite the fact that I don't deserve any blessing in life, I (and my family) still have such a blessed life that we don't deserve -- it's only because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has paid it all - He has paid for all my sins on the cross, and He gave His life as a ransom for me - and for all mankind! 

Did our family follow Jesus all these years for this physical healing/miracles?? It's true that only because of His mercies, now I and my family have gotten a second chance to live! And, we are really glad that the Lord healed our family miraculously. BUT, even if we were not healed physically or blessed materialistically, Jesus Christ would still be our Lord & Savior, because Jesus has a much greater purpose i.e. to redeem mankind from Sin. Out of all the miracles, the greatest miracle/healing that Jesus did for me & my family, and for the mankind is: redemption from sin. So, it's mainly for that reason, even during the 10+ years when my family went through severe trials & sufferings, we were happy to be 'Christ Followers' and without a shadow of the doubt, He would still be our Lord & Savior even if we were not healed. He gave His life to pay for our sins and has redeemed us from sin, its mainly for that reason, we would continue to worship Him all the days of our life. Believe it or not, every single person [all of us] on this planet have a desperate need for Christ. I encourage that you consider inviting Lord Jesus Christ into your heart and if you do, I can guarantee you that He will transform you from the inside out.

P.S: Our family is so thankful for all the corporate prayers and I strongly encourage that you be part of a Christ centered fellowship & prayer group -- Thousands of people have been praying for our family over the last decade. As the problems were increasing for our family, our family's prayer needs spread through church networks across countries. So, our family has been in the prayer chain of numerous churches in the U.S. and India. A lot of these brothers and sisters from numerous churches have not even seen us in person or don't even know us personally, but our family keeps hearing all the time about the constant prayers from so many prayer groups. In addition to the prayer support, our brothers and sisters from many churches have helped us in so many other ways too and they have journeyed with our family day & night through all the ups & downs in our life. We are so thankful to all our friends who have prayed for us at countless prayer meetings and supported us in numerous ways over the years. There is no way my family could have survived through all the troubles in life without the tremendous support that all our friends have provided. We owe a BIG THANK YOU to all our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thank you for reading through the full blog. I hope to meet you and spend time with you personally. If we cannot meet in person I hope you track along with me as my next blog appears on the web!

All Honor and Glory to God!


P.S: Here is our family picture.

If you have any questions/comments, please feel free to send us a message through the “contact us” tab on our website or you can send us an email or just simply leave your comments right below this blog post. 

If you think this testimony would encourage someone in your family/friends or at Church, you can share this with them and please feel free to post this testimony/WebLink in your Facebook, WhatsApp group, etc.   


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony , All the glory to god.

    I like this especially where I can relate to myself

    "Generally, when recruiters hire people, they prefer talented people and the world prefers talented people/healthy people/rich people/strong people BUT our Lord Jesus Christ is always waiting with an open heart and open arms to welcome sick people/poor people/dumb people"

  2. No words to give thanks to the Lord.
    He is still a wonder working God, in His time and in His ultimate purpose.
    Thanking God for all God's people who prayed and supported all these years to see God's miracle working power.

  3. Praise God!All glory to our Lord Jesus! He is still alive & still in the business of restoring people's lives, bcoz that is what He died for, to give us abundant life! Thanks for enduring & thanks for sharing the testimony! May God continue to use this testimony to bless many & set many free!
    It is a great encouragement to hear! It builds and strengthens our faith!

  4. All Glory to God!!! He is the same always, what a powerful testimony, time and again the Lord showing us he perfects his plans in us in his time, be blessed Vijay!!!

  5. Dear Vijay, I'm so happy to hear the miracles that Jesus has done in your family. We serve a living God who does miracles for those who love Him. Nothing is impossible for Him, there is power in the name of Jesus that can turn any tests into a testimony. For we are called to overcome by the word and our testimonies. Hallelujah to the one true living God, Jesus Christ. At the mention of His name, Jesus every knee will bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth. I pray to release that unlimited power by the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life in the days to come. God Bless!!!

  6. Dear Brother Vijay! Your life story is a perfect case study, addressing two critical questions that humans fail to comprehend: 1. The Authority of God over the Laws of Nature and 2. The Sovereign Will of God over the problem of evil and suffering. The stories of miracles and healings in your life undeniably mirrors the miracle accounts of Jesus in the New Testament – The authority of Jesus over 1. Every kind of disease and illness, 2. Human Death, 3. Laws of Nature, and 4. Spiritual world – Satan and Demons. For many, miracle is a pure violation against the Laws of Nature, but God is the creator and establisher of the Laws of Nature. Thus, if Laws of Nature threatens our existence, God uses His Authority to restore the Laws of Nature for our benefits.

    Secondly, the Sovereign Will of God is evident in your life story. Like Job in the Old Testament, you and your beloved family encountered evil and suffering. It is easy to trust God when He is at work, but hard to trust Him when He is silent. Silence of God does not automatically mean the absence of God. God was silent in the life of Job, but He was present all the time because of His Divine Attributes - Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence. It is unfortunate that you faced evil and suffering. Yet, God took victory over every problem and restored everything in double portion. Ultimately, your life experience is a therapy for the problem of evil and suffering. Glory to God!

  7. Wow - I just read this to Jerry. So amazing and wonderful. We are blessed to know you! Thank you for sharing and we look forward to reading more blogs. We want to visit you sometime!!

  8. Praising the Lord with you all! What a joy to hear all He has done in and through you and your family. All glory to Jesus - His grace is truly amazing!

    -Kim Burch

  9. Vijay, it was a great blessing to hear how God has been working in the life of your family over the course of these past number of years. He has sustained you both physically and spiritually. He is also filled your hearts with fresh dreams of serving him in ways that you never imagined. So much news that we hear today is discouraging and disheartening depressing. Great to hear something that's inspiring.

  10. Hallelujah, glory to God for the great things He has done!!! What a blessing to read how God has moved in the lives of your family members. Our God is awesome and He truly is a Miracle Worker!!! Thanks my brother for sharing your family's journey and the mercies of God. May your family and your witnessing continue to be blessed!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony Vijay! Our God is the God who heals. Thanks brother.

  12. To be honest, I got tired of reading about all the sickness your family went through and hence, it is beyond my imagination how you all went through all this, but that’s also when I know that God was with you in the testing through fire. So so blessed by your testimony. Indeed our God is able to restore double portion of beauty for ashes. All glory and honor to Almighty Father, His Son Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

  13. Glory to our Almighty God 🙏May the Lord bless you & your writing reach many agnostics & atheists too❣️ God can turn patients into Doctors— all possible only to Him, amen 🙏

  14. Vijay, thank you so very much for sharing you and your family’s testimonies on how God first allowed suffering to each one in your family, and then proved faithful to not only bring each one of you through the diseases, but to completely heal each one as well!!! What a testimony of God’s faithfulness as we pray to Him faithfully. But it isn’t even our faithfulness, but HIS Lovingkindness, mercy, and Grace that is over all!! I praise Jesus for healing each one of you!!! I praise Him for your obedience to share this beautiful story!!! Thank you so much for sharing in such beautiful detail!! To God be the glory!!!!
    It is so wonderful re-connect after 12 years!! God is good!!!!


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